Sunday, 21 June 2015

Statistics from our first week

The numbers have been crunched!

Last week, between the two dental chairs at the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu dental clinic and the Rotary dental van, which visited schools and communities:

We saw:
- 142 adult patients (52 male, 88 female)
- 158 child patients (65 boys, 93 girls)

We did check ups for all these patients.

Treatment we performed included:
- 161 fluoride treatments (this will help prevent decay and remineralise early lesions)
- 151 extractions
- 93 fillings
- 22 scale and cleans
- 4 fissure sealants
- Prepared 3 teeth for the first stage of root canal (generally we aren't performing root canal as it will be awhile for another dentist to finish it but these were front teeth on young patients and the teeth were strong enough to last a long time after root canal treatment so we made an exception in this case)

Thank you for reading, we'd love your comments!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Team,
    I've been reading your blog and am amazed at your work! The photos are great - they give me a feeling of 'being there' with you. It looks like the work you are doing has been well received by the local people and it is fantastic that you have experienced some of the local sights and culture. Have a wonderful week. Regards from Jacqui Atyeo and the District 9500 Vocational Training Team Committee
